Kanákia is a small settlement, remote, in a wonderful, large beach with clear waters and beautiful surroundings.
A Mycenean citadel was found in the area, including a palace and a settlement. To date, 45 rooms and storage areas have been excavated. The citadel was used continuously from the Neolithic Era (4th millennium BC.) and reached its highest peak around the 13th century BC., whereas it was abandoned for unknown reasons a little after 1200 BC.
Peristeria is the name of two small islets, very close to shore, from which the area was named. The settlement of Peristéria lies approximately 1 km inland.
The area of Peristéria is well known due to the cave – sanctuary of the ancient tragic poet Evripídis, the name of which was located inscribed inside the cave. This cave is used since many years. Archaeologists have found relics from the Neolithic, Mycenean, Classical and Roman Era, as well as the Frankish Rule. Underneath Evripídis cave, a building complex was found with a temple to god Diónysos, dated 3rd – 2nd century BC.