Probably the most important sight of the island is the temple of Afaía. It was built in 500 BC and was dedicated to the goddess protector of the island. The temple lies close to Agía Marína, the most well known holiday resort of Aígina with the large sandy beach.
The monastery of Ágios Nektários is situated on the main road connecting Aígina town with Agía Marína, about 6 km from Aígina. It is a major pilgrimage and also the place where the saint lived his last years (died in 1990 AD)
Pérdika is a picturesque fishing village in which, apart from a good swim, you will enjoy fresh seafood. Towards the SE lies the bay of Klíma, under the village with the same name. Maybe the most “wanted” bay of the island, it is frequented for more than 5 decades now by yachts of all sizes.
Marcello’s tower lies inside the town of Aígina. Built in 1802 AD, it is a unique sight. It was used by the Governing Committee in 1826, when the newly formed Greek government moved to Aígina.
Aígina produces the infamous, known since antiquity, pistachio nut. The fruit grows very well on this island and has a very pleasant taste, especially the raw version, found nowhere else in Greece. Which is why there is a special feast, FistikiFest, celebrated during one of the first weekends of September.